Learning and Teaching

‘The Victorian Curriculum Foundation-10 sets out what every student should learn during their first eleven years of schooling. The curriculum is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for lifelong learning, social development and active and informed citizenship.’

Mary Queen of Heaven Primary School will provide child centered, data driven learning programs and opportunities, with the goal of empowering our students to become self driven, problem solvers. By providing opportunities for all students to learn in a targeted manner, we enable them to develop their full potential and express their unique gifts in a stimulating, challenging, purposeful and safe environment.

Our open and flexible learning environments embrace the learning and teaching strategies of interaction, communication and collaboration enabling students to share and learn from one another. Personalising the learning and offering differentiated learning opportunities is vital to the success of each child. Accessing resources to support learning is crucial, we will work to ensure the very best is on offer to our learning community.

Mary Queen of Heaven is committed to the faith development of all members of its community. We encourage a shared responsibility to challenge learners and their families to reflect and strengthen their relationship with God and the Catholic tradition. We recognise the critical importance of the relationship between faith development and the Gospel teachings of Jesus Christ. By providing contemporary, stimulating and relevant learning opportunities, we empower students to make connections with real life experiences and church doctrine. Our Religious Education program includes learning and teaching strategies, which engage the whole school community, in the development of each child’s faith journey.

We believe parents, carers and families are by far the most important influences on children’s lives. Parents who take on a supportive role in their children’s learning make a difference in improving achievement and learning attitudes. Their support can play a vital role at all stages of education. Therefore, at Mary Queen of Heaven, we provide opportunities for all members of the community to continue learning, embracing possibilities to be challenged and motivated as well as feeling worthwhile. Our doors are open and we look forward to the richness that parent support can offer our learning community.

We nurture an atmosphere of love, humility, hope, courage, respect, trust, justice and creativity, which are qualities and values taught in the Gospels’ and demonstrated by Mary, our Mother. It is a place where each members’ story is known and where they are invited to ‘Let the Light Shine.’

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