Student Interactions

Student Leadership

At Mary Queen of Heaven the Student Representative Council provides opportunities for student voice, the development of student leadership skills and encourages active participation in the decision making processes across the school. This will be particularly crucial as we develop our culture and set up school expectations.

We believe in equity, diversity and inclusion where all students have the opportunity to undertake a leadership position. Student voice at Mary Queen of Heaven is sort and welcomed. The following leadership positions will be held by Year 6 students.

Year 6 Leadership Positions include:

  • School Captains x 2
  • Leaders of Faith & Mission
  • Leaders of Environment and Sustainability
  • Leaders of Sport & Recreation
  • Leaders of Community & Social Justice

Buddy Program

Our Buddy Program encourages children from different year levels to make connections with others.

Grades are ‘buddied up’ and involve older children being paired with younger children. Planned activities between the classes are held throughout the year. Buddy classes attend whole school gatherings together.

The program aims to provide opportunities for the development of a sense of community between the whole school, the development of new friendships and leadership skills and responsibilities.

Our Buddy Program extends to our new parents, providing support and information about our school.


PeaceKeepers are Year Five and Six Students who have volunteered to be part of a Peer Mediator initiative.

These students have participated in training sessions with the Wellbeing Leader to learn communication skills such as active listening and teamwork, strategies to resolve conflict and mediate a problem.

PeaceKeepers wear blue vests  and are on duty each recess and lunch time to assist children who are having any difficulties in the playground, or to help children find friends to play with.

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