We pride ourselves on being a Child Safe school.
The safety of children is paramount to us and all we do. The morning drop offs ensure that our school yard is a calm and gentle space where children can socialise in a non stimulating way to help them get ready for learning and begin their day in a deescalated manner. We thank all of our families for your support with this.
Our school is fully gated and locked from 9am, another Child Safe measure.
We send our children to the toilet in pairs to ensure they are always in the company of another child. We send children to the first aid room in threes so that two can drop off and have a friend with them to accompany them back to class. All of these measures are designed to ensure that child safety is a high priority.
Thank you for journeying with us in our first term as the community of Mary Queen of Heaven. Your ongoing communication, support and feedback has been so valuable to us and ensures we work as a team to nurture your child’s journey through school.