Around the School

First Aid

At MQH our First Aid space is monitored at all parts of the day.  We have a staff member on First Aid duty at Recess and Lunch and our Admin staff monitor the First Aid space during learning time.  If your child needs First Aid, we meet their needs by treating them and recording this on a First Aid slip that goes home with them at the end of the day, or call home for more serious incidents.  We call home for all head injuries.

Car Park

Please ensure you move around our school in a safe a slow manner.  Both Hillview and French Rd have a 40km speed limit.  Please also use the car parks as directed on the signs and move in and out of drop off zones safely.  Please note the car park off French Rd os for staff only.

Dogs Connect

It’s been so wonderful seeing many of our families engaging with Bluebell at the front gate and in the yard at pick up time. Please refer to Audiri and your children for reminders about the way we engage with her as a Wellbeing Dog.

Smile Patrol

In the coming weeks we are welcoming Smile Patrol to MQH as an at school Dental Health check service,  Please refer to Audiri for information on how to register your child for this free and convenient service.


We are excited to be partnering with School of The Good Shepherd and St Carlo’s Greenvale to support our Parish Fete on Saturday 16th November.  MQH will be holding a stall selling Popcorn and Cookies.  We are seeking the assistance of one parent from our community to represent our school on the Fete committee.  The role is mainly attending Parish Fete meetings and communicating important information back to us at school.  Please contact the office if you’d like to volunteer.  A WWCC is required for this role.


Every Monday and Friday we sell Zooper Doopers at 2pm-2:10pm.  We are seeking volunteers to sell the Zooper Doopers and to purchase them when they are on sale.  Please contact the office if you’d like to volunteer.  A WWCC is required for this role.

Scholastic Bookclub – VOLUNTEER NEEDED

Scholastic is a wonderful organisation that supports schools by giving back!  From time to time we offer Book Club to our community.  We are seeking a volunteer who might like to take this role on.  It requires organisation,  attention to detail, collection and counting of money (all money kept on school premises.)  Please contact the office if you’d like to volunteer.  A WWCC is required for this role.

Stage 2 Development

Our school is growing!  Plans are in place for a beautiful new building to begin in June 2024 with a completion date of June 2025.  The building will run north/south on the land between our current building and the netball court.  It will offer 6 classroom spaces, 2 large shared spaces (STEM and a library type space) kitchenettes for student cooking and some office space.

Private Music EOI

Learning through music is very important to us.  We are looking into the possibility of offering private music lessons at school. Last year we didn’t have enough families taking up the offer, therefore it was not offered.  If you are interested in private music lessons, please complete the Expression of Interest form on Audiri. Please note, this is not a free program.

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