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Mary Queen of Heaven – Term 2 – Week 3

2nd May 2024


Lord, as we prepare for the coming of a new term make us ready, attentive and available to hear you. Thank You for the gift of being able to rise each day with the assurance that You walk through it with us. Thank You for the gifts of creativity and uniqueness, and the energy to put them to good use.






Dear Families,


Welcome back to Term 2. I sincerely hope you had some quality time with family and friends, and took the  chance to recharge your mind and body ready for another great term of learning & wonder. 


At the beginning of the school holidays, our Christian faith celebrated Easter.  Easter celebrates the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. It is through life, death and resurrection that believers are given the hope of life after death, eternal life. The resurrection of Jesus provides hope for all believers that life as we know it will be changed, not ended, when we die. 


As a faith and learning community, we will continue to explore the stories that recall the final days of Jesus’ earthly life. 

Upcoming Events

Holy Week in Still Life

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Thank you to staff and children for their preparation and dedication in putting together the still life depiction of the events of Holy Week.  Thank you to parents, carers and grandparents who attended school on the last two days of term 1 to see the creative display our school proudly presented. Your devotion and support throughout our children’s learning & faith is much appreciated.



Good Shepherd Feast Day

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As the third Parish school in the Parish of the Good Shepherd we celebrate the Feast of The Good Shepherd.  This year this was commemorated by our year 5 and 6 students traveling down to Good Shepherd Parish where they participated in Mass with year 5 and 6 students from School of The Good Shepherd and St Carlo’s.  It was wonderful to see many of our families at the Mass celebrating with us.


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An invitation was extended to the whole school community to attend the ANZAC Day Commemorative Dawn Service at the Glenroy RSL on 25th April. Some of our school leaders, teachers and families attended  to lay an ANZAC wreath at the war memorial as a way to remember those who have lost their lives serving Australia in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.  We thank all who made the effort to be there, to represent our school and remember the fallen.

Winter Uniform Transition

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If the weather is still mild, we are happy for students to continue wearing the summer uniform through the beginning of term 2. The students will have until Monday April 29th, to transition into their full winter uniform.  We remind all families that ONLY uniform purchased at the uniform shop is to be worn, please avoid leggings, skivvies etc.


Please be reminded to tie long hair up where possible. This helps children focus on their learning and is a prevention for the spread of headlice.

Child Safe Standard 4

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Families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing

There are many examples of the ways in which we as a community promote and inform the community of our childsafe practices. As you enter our school, you will see the Catholic Schools Child Safe Schools commitment displayed. This states we are committed to providing a safe and nurturing culture for all children and young people in our school. This is enacted through upholding the primacy of safety and wellbeing of all children, empowering families and children to have a voice if they have concerns and implementing rigorous risk management and employment practices.

School Fees 2024

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Thank you to all the families who have partially or fully paid their  school fees. As mentioned previously the school has  paid for all of your children’s stationery upfront and prompt payment of school fees would be most appreciated. 

Learning and Teaching News

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This year, we were excited to implement the Traces of Learning Inquiry Model with consultants from Spark to support our educators to plan authentic and engaging inquiry projects across all year levels.

This model is well researched and supports all children to become confident, life long learners.  In our Prep to Two classes, children are engaged in discovery learning through Inquiry that introduces children to concepts from our History Curriculum and strongly supports the explicit transfer of Literacy and Numeracy skills in new contexts.  We call these sessions “Our Project”.  Each term, the project focus will change and is strategically designed with experienced consultants to ensure children are taught concepts, content, and skills across the curriculum.  Our year Three to Six are also engaging in the History Curriculum through ‘Rapid Cycles’ of Inquiry.  This is where children learn new content within a learning process.  Sometimes children will use the investigation, problem solving, or design process – this term, they are learning through the Research Process.  Ask your children at home how they have been engaging in Discovery or Rapid Cycles in class.


Cyber Safety

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Please see the attached information regarding Cyber Safety.





REPORTING at Mary Queen of Heaven

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Our reporting at Mary Queen of Heaven is dedicated to fostering collaboration between students, teachers, and parents to enhance student learning. We communicate comprehensive information on students’ achievements in academics, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual domains. This dialogue helps set future goals and keeps parents informed about our teaching methods. Our assessment and reporting procedures are seamlessly integrated with our teaching practices to ensure meaningful discussions about each child’s progress. Formal reports are issued twice yearly, in June and December, to document students’ advancements across various curriculum areas.

Other ways we report are listed below:

  • Meet and Greet conversations at the beginning of the year 
  • Written report -mid and end-of-year 
  • Parent Curriculum Overviews sent termly
  • Program or Integration Support Group Meetings, if required
  • Classroom wall documentation
  • Weekly School newsletter
  • Regular Seesaw posts
  • National Assessment Plan-Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)
  • Celebrations of Learning

Speech In Schools

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We are so blessed to have Mel our resident Speech Therapist working with us two days per week.  Mel has been an absolute asset to our team.  Below is a summary of the difference Mel has made already in her first term with us.  Please be reminded that Mel’s service is not a 1:1 speech service, if this is something you are seeking for your child, please reach out to Loretta O’Dwyer to discuss.

Speech Pathology Term 1 and 2 Update:


It’s been an incredibly productive start to 2024 at Mary Queen of Heaven, with Term 1 going full steam ahead in supporting student’s language development. Throughout term 1, I completed oral language assessments with all the Prep and Grade 1 students. From these results, I formed intervention groups to target specific oral language goals (e.g., expanding vocabulary, using correct tense, using correct sentence structure etc.). These groups will continue throughout term 2. Additionally, the staff at MQH have been passionate to learn, and have been upskilled in the area of oral language using the intervention approach called ‘Colourful Semantics’. This is being successfully implemented across the school to better support student’s oral language development. The staff will continue to be upskilled in different areas, with term 2’s focus on literacy intervention. 


Something to note – my role at the school is to upskill the staff, and provide whole class/group intervention. This means, I do not provide 1:1 support to individual students. If your child requires speech therapy assessment and intervention, it is important to seek this externally. Once you have a speech pathologist, I can support the teachers and co-educators to address their speech goals in the classroom.


I look forward to the rest of the term working with the MQH community!


Melanie Raffa

School Speech Pathologist 

Lunchtime Clubs

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Lunchtime clubs are back!

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Club: Lego

Staff Member: Dani

Area: Library

Club:  Dance

Staff Member:  Jess

Area:  Library

Club:  Yoga 

Staff Member:   Alysha 

Area:  Prep C

Club:  Mindful Colouring/Drawing 

Staff Member:  Sarah

Area:  Library

Club:  Walking Club 

Staff Member:  Renae & Attamjit


Mother’s Day

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We welcome all Mums, Motherly figures, Grandmothers, aunties etc to our morning tea next Friday 10th May.  Please ensure you complete the RSVP on Audiri for catering purposes.
We thank these local businesses who have generously donated to our Mothers Day activities and encourage all in our community to support these local businesses.
Mayflour Bakery – Westmeadows
Big Fields – Gladstone Park
Bakers Delight East Keilor
West Espresso Brewers West Meadows
La Manna Essendon FIelds
Major Movement Health & Pilates
Your support of our school is much appreciated.

Parish School Advisory Board – PSAC

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Our Parish has adopted a unique approach to a school board structure.  We are delighted to have a three school Parish School Advisory Board, made up of Father Dishan, the Principals and Deputies from our three Parish Schools and three parents from each school.
Congratulations to our PSAC members Petar Jurcic (Chair), Emma Scott and Andrew Bouzikas.
Below is an article published by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic School, highlighting the our Parish as exemplary in Board structure.
School Advisory Councils of the Good Shepherd Parish

‘In the light of Christ’ is drawn from our strategic plan, MACS 2030: Forming Lives to Enrich the World. Christ is our inspiration, the very life of our purpose as Catholic educators. Everything we do is illuminated by this. It is through this inspiration that we find three of our schools looking at how to structure their School Advisory Council in a new light.

Mary Queen of Heaven Primary School, Greenvale, St Carlo Borromeo School, Greenvale, and School of the Good Shepherd, Gladstone Park, are all located within the mission of the Good Shepherd Parish. With guidance from parish priest Fr Dishan Candappa, in partnership with the three principals Renae Gentile, Kevin Gleeson and Carmela D’Amato, they work together in mission and have formed a School Advisory Council that attends to the needs of the parish and the three schools. The inaugural School Advisory Council meeting, hosted by St Carlo Borromeo School, took place on 5 March with a vibrant gathering of parent and teacher representatives from each of the schools.

Key to this process is that the schools maintain their individual charism and identity, while also clearly identifying as schools of the parish. In addition, the structures being developed ensure Fr Dishan is supported by an arrangement and meetings that encourage the pursuit of maintaining the catholicity of the schools and connectedness to parish. This pathfinding journey is one that School Advisory Councils in those mission communities comprising a family of local faith communities will need to watch in the future.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) Information Sheet

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Please see the attached Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) Information Sheet for Parents, Carers and Guardians.

NCCD Information Sheet

Early Beginners Child Care Centre Greenvale

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Please find the attached flyer for Early Beginners Child Care Centre Greenvale Open Day. This is a new childcare opening in our local community.

Open day flyer 2024

Major Movement

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Elevate your wellness journey with Major Movement!

Are you yearning for a Pilates space that has a friendly, welcoming environment, a genuine community feel and have a team of instructors who are passionate about advancing your health, movement & mindset.

Dive into 14 days of Unlimited Reformer Pilates for just $59! Our small group Reformer Pilates classes are led by experienced Pilates Instructors. We have a maximum of 8 people in our classes, so you get the personal attention you need and deserve. Kickstart your wellness journey here

As a wellness hub in Tullamarine, our health experts also provide
 Remedial Massage, Osteopathy, NLP Mindset coaching and Private/Clinical Reformer Pilates. View all of our services here.

Available to all Mary Queen of Heaven parents and friends. We look forward to seeing you in the studio soon!

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