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A Word from Our Principal Renae

Read Time: 1 min (247 words)

Dear Families,

This term, many of our classes have focused on the Parable of The Good Samaritan in Religious Education.  We shared this story and unpacked its meaning to assist us in building the culture of love, welcome, respect, courage and humility that we are hoping to foster at MQH.  

Jesus used the Parable of the Good Samaritan as an example of loving those who may not be our friends. Jesus was asked to confirm what he meant by the word ‘neighbour’. This is when he told the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), to explain that people should love everyone, including their enemies.

We have seen so many examples of our learners showing love to their neighbour.  In building relationships, friendships and trust this is growing and our learners are building great respect, tolerance and understanding of one another.

It is hard to believe that the first ever term of Mary Queen of Heaven has nearly come to an end.  We have so much to be grateful for as we enter the Easter break.  Works will continue over the break to beautify our school and we will have more on offer for our learners when they return in term 2.

Next term we have more staff joining our team.  We welcome Loretta O’Dwyer Learning Diversity Leader to the team.  We will also welcome a receptionist and a new member of the Co Educator team.  More information will be shared with our families in time.


Child Safety

Read Time: 1 min (191 words)

We pride ourselves on being a Child Safe school. 

The safety of children is paramount to us and all we do.  The morning drop offs ensure that our school yard is a calm and gentle space where children can socialise in a non stimulating way to help them get ready for learning and begin their day in a deescalated manner.  We thank all of our families for your support with this.  

Our school is fully gated and locked from 9am, another Child Safe measure.  

We send our children to the toilet in pairs to ensure they are always in the company of another child. We send children to the first aid room in threes so that two can drop off and have a friend with them to accompany them back to class.  All of these measures are designed to ensure that child safety is a high priority.

Thank you for journeying with us in our first term as the community of Mary Queen of Heaven.  Your ongoing communication, support and feedback has been so valuable to us and ensures we work as a team to nurture your child’s journey through school.

Lent Passion Play

Read Time: 1 min (140 words)

On the last day of school, Wednesday 5th April, we will be hosting a Passion Play to culminate our learning about Lent, Holy Week and to showcase our Religious Education learning for term 2.

All families are invited to attend this play from 9:30am in the main playground.

After our Passion Play, families are invited to stay for a sausage sizzle. Funds raised will be used to purchase items for our school.

Please fill in the form on SkoolBag if you wish to purchase a sausage and/or drink (juice box). Each sausage will cost $2 and each drink will cost $2.

Please send the money in (correct change) with your child in a zip lock bag by Tuesday 4th April.




Easter Raffle

Read Time: Less than a minute (106 words)

Thank you to everyone who has donated to our Easter Raffle – we have quite a nice collection of chocolates and goodies to be made into hampers as prizes.

Please make sure that all donations and raffle tickets are handed in by end-of-day on Monday.

The Easter Raffle will be drawn after our Passion Play on Wednesday.  The children are super excited about this.

First prize has been donated by Rocky Road Chocolates 2/16-18 Marshall Rd, Airport West VIC 3042.  Many thanks to Sandra and Arthur for their support of our school.  Please visit Rocky Road Chocolate and support local for all of your Easter goodies!


Parent-Teacher Interviews

Read Time: Less than a minute (94 words)

Parent-teacher interviews are now open for bookings.

Please book your interview by following the link below.

It is an expectation that all parents/ guardians book in a time to meet with your child’s teacher.

This is a wonderful opportunity to discuss your child’s strengths and challenges and any other areas of concern or interest.

These conversations are necessary so that we can work together to support your child’s learning.

Please take this opportunity to take a gallery walk of our children’s learning stemming from our Inquiry in term 1 ‘Our Place Our Community.’


Read Time: 1 min (232 words)

This term our little learners noticed a problem… “The birds were feasting on our newly laid seed!” They came to us with a solution to the problem… “Let’s build scarecrows!”

Through a detailed Inquiry process they utilised problem solving, working collaboratively, gathering data, gathering resources, being resourceful, focusing on sustainability – they did it all!

Have a look at the process they took and the success they achieved for themselves and for the community of Mary Queen of Heaven!

Tuning In- Lets be curious
What are you wondering?
When you see this image what does it make you think about?
What do you already think/feel/know about this?
What do you need to know or think more about?
Why might this be worth learning about?
Let’s figure out what we already think about this.
Let’s see what we can work out first.
What’s interesting about this?
What do we need to get better at as learners?
Finding out- How can we be problem solvers?

What would be the best way to find out?
Who could we ask? What could we do?
How is this making us feel?
What skills will we need to use?

Sorting out and going further- What steps will we take?

How has our thinking changed?
What questions have we answered? Not?
How is this making a difference to us?
What do we need?
What do we need to do?

Class Mass

Read Time: Less than a minute (44 words)

Each fortnight we host a class Mass here at school. 

Father Dishan or Father An celebrate the Mass with different classes. 

Please check the calendar regularly and join us on these beautiful celebrations, the children love it when parents or grandparents can join us.

Car and Traffic Safety

Read Time: Less than a minute (96 words)

French Rd and Hillview Rd can be extremely busy at both school drop-off and pick-up times.

Can we please remind all families to practice road safety at all times.

Please do not double park. This creates a lot of disruption to the flow of traffic, forces children onto the road and restricts the view of drivers. Park a little further away from school and enjoy a short, safe walk.

If your child is meeting you at your car,  please ensure that they have their seat belt on before driving off.  Safety is the responsibility of all.


Official Blessing & Opening Ceremony

Read Time: Less than a minute (30 words)

Our Official Blessing & Opening Ceremony will take place on Tuesday 4th April @ 9.30am.

All families are invited.

Please RSVP by contacting the school office on (03) 7379 5600

French Rd Pedestrian Crossing

Read Time: Less than a minute (90 words)

A pedestrian crossing is being built by the Council on French Road.

Traffic controllers will be in the area, however, we advise all families to either use the school entrance/ exit on Hillview Road whenever possible or use the French Rd entry carefully, parking in the allocated parking bays.

As this is arranged by the council, we are unsure of the duration of these works but we hope for a quick turnaround.

Whilst this may cause some inconvenience, this is a really great and safe addition to our school community.

School Holiday Program

Read Time: Less than a minute (134 words)

Hi Everyone!

I’m so EXCITED that our First Autumn Holiday Program  Brochures are out and we are now taking bookings!

These holidays we have lots of fun activities and excursion planned like Easter Hunt , Superhero Day, Luna Park and so much more!

I invite you to check out our brochure and share with any friends and family.

Just a friendly reminder that before I can add on any bookings an enrolment form will need to be completed on XAP (Families who have previously attended will not need to complete a new enrolment form).

Please if you have any questions feel free to contact me!

Hope you all enjoy the rest of your week and I look forward to seeing you in the upcoming holidays!

Kind regards, 

Big Childcare

2023 Autumn Holiday Template