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Mary Queen of Heaven Primary School

Mary Queen of Heaven Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 10

14th September 2023

Lord Jesus, Father of all,

We pray for your blessing, favour, and strength over every Dad, Grandad, Uncle and Fatherly Figure in this world, for those who are seeking to walk closely with you in a dark world, and for those who just need to be reminded that you are real. We ask for your renewed courage, for your boldness, for your Spirit to fill them.  Lord, empower all of our Fathers and Fatherly figures to be the role models that you are.  Give them the desire to influence and inspire young minds.

Thank you to the many dads, grandads, fatherly figures who joined us for our Father’s Day morning tea last week.  It was so wonderful to see the beautiful connections made and the investment you have in your children and their education.  The smiles on the faces of our children says it all!  We hope you loved the gifts the children came home with. 


A couple of messages from Renae, from her Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

Following the ‘Footsteps of Jesus’ has been both an honor and a privilege.  Pilgrimage is all about giving up control. Our first stop after Amman was The Dead Sea, a place where nature takes over and you have little control… an apt place to begin.

We journeyed into Jordan and visited the Baptismal place of Jesus. We dipped in the Jordan River, an experience to behold.  We then settled in the old town of Bethlehem where we were welcomed with a warm Palestinian welcome. Visiting a local girls school established by the Josephite sisters was a highlight.  St Catherine’s Church, the birthplace of Jesus, was magical. Every Christmas story ever told is brought to life. It was surreal.  Visiting the home of Martha & Mary and the tomb of Lazarus was exceptional. 

A trip into Jericho and the Judean desert showed us the brutal nature of this land and its terrain. We visited the Mount of Temptation where Jesus fasted and was tempted by the devil. An incredible place of reflection.

We visited the caves where St Joachim and St Anna took shelter and prayed for a child. They were gifted this child in the form of our school’s Patron, Mary Queen of Heaven.

Into the Jerusalem area we visited the Church of the visitation where Mary visited Elizabeth and not long after Elizabeth welcomed her baby boy… John the Baptist. 

These places are deep in our hearts, for me now they are clear in my mind. A time of deep reflection, gratitude and strength image of one’s faith.




Today we visited the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth. A place very special to the patron of our school Mary Queen of Heaven.    The magnificent Basilica was adorned with images of The Annunciation from all over the world.

We were reminded that Mary said the most important ‘Yes’ in salvation  history. When the Angel left her she said ‘Yes’ to carrying and bearing Jesus Christ at a time when doing so was dangerous for a young woman.

Saying Yes to the Lord is easy when things are going well. When do you say Yes at times in your life when you are challenged?

I remember you all in my prayers as we travel through the Holy Land 💙🤍💛


A reminder that the MACSSIS survey will have been emailed to families last  week.  It will be appreciated if you complete it by this Friday, September 15th.  Once you do, please email Dani to notify her with a screenshot of the survey message once you complete it.  Those that do, will go in the running to win 1 term’s Fees!

Thank you to my dedicated staff who continuously seek to create the conditions that enable all children to thrive across all areas; academically, emotionally and spiritually.  Our children are blessed to be in their care.  

We thank our Educators and Co-Educators for their openness and curiosity as they embraced a new model of Inquiry learning.  They have each grown in knowledge and understanding of this model, and we have certainly witnessed children thrive through Discovery (P-2) and Projects (3-6) with engagement levels increasing and children demonstrating a greater sense of agency.

Thank you to all the families Who support Mary Queen of Heaven in many ways.  Without your support and partnership, we would not have the joy-filled children that we are blessed to guide every day!

Thank you to the children who bring our beautiful school to life everyday!  You inspire and motivate us to be the best we possibly can.

We wish you all the very best on your holiday break.  The weather is usually lovely, lots of opportunities for the children to be playing outside.  I pray that you create wonderful memories with those you love, doing the things that bring you joy!

Term Four begins 8:50am Monday October 2nd.  Children are able to wear their Summer uniform.

Daniela De Luca

Acting Principal


“Called by Name: God’s call of Love”

Address of the Holy Father at the Welcoming Ceremony Portugal Lisbon 3rd August 2023

Lisbon Portugal, Small Group Immersions

The Emerging Leaders Pilgrimage through Rome, Assisi and our final destination of Lisbon, Portugal where we celebrated World Youth Week with 400 other Melbourne pilgrims and millions of young Catholics from all over the world was an amazing opportunity for connection with fellow pilgrims and reconnecting with God on a very personal and deeper level. The journey allowed me to step away from the distractions of daily life and focus on my spirituality. Through prayer, meditation, and reflection, I gained spiritual insights, and a renewed commitment to my faith.  The pilgrimage served as a reset button for my spiritual life. Listening to our host Archbishop Comensoli, renowned theologians, Melbourne clergy who accompanied us and fellow pilgrims different perspectives on faith, life and interacting through shared experiences encouraged me to reflect on my own experiences, challenging my understanding of faith, and gaining new insights in the process.  Sharing the journey with others fostered a sense of community, mutual encouragement, and bonding. I have returned from this journey with a deeper sense of faith, purpose, and a stronger connection to my faith community of Mary Queen of Heaven, our Parish of the Good Shepherd and the broader religious community. 

By far my most memorable experience was our private audience with Pope Francis. We were completely unaware that Archbishop Comensoli had arranged this incredible opportunity. Pope Francis embraced us with open arms, his humor, gentleness and inspiring responses to our questions for over an hour speaks to his generosity of spirit and his admiration for those who follow the vocation of teaching.  His message for us was to be open to the call of God’s love, we are called by name and we are the voice to call others so that they too may encounter the joy of the love of God.

Private reception hosted by Chiara Porro Australia’s Ambassador Head of Mission Holy See, Rome

Wearing of School Hats

Mary Queen of Heaven is a SunSmart School and our policy reflects the recommendations of the Sun Smart organisation. The Bureau of Meteorology provides information about the times of day UV levels are forecast to reach 3 or higher, meaning that sun protection is recommended for all skin types. In Victoria, UV levels regularly reach 3 or higher from mid–August to the end of April.


As part of general SunSmart strategies, our school:

  • Requires all students and staff to wear hats that protect the face, neck and ears (legionnaire, broad-brimmed or bucket style) and suitable clothing whenever they are outside (e.g. recess, lunch, sport, excursions)
  • Requires children outdoors without hats to sit in a designated shaded area during play times from the beginning of September to the end of April or whenever UV levels reach three or more. NO HAT- NO PLAY.

All staff and families are encouraged to access the daily local sun protection times via the free Sun smart app, or at or the widget on our website. All children are to wear h

ats beginning term 4. 

Sunsmart info sheet


Learning & Teaching

P-2 Excursion to Scienceworks

P-2 Scienceworks Excursion ~ Children explored the language of light and shadow. They utilised and built the dispositions of curiosity, perseverance, wonder and awe. Thank you to our Parent helpers and our wonderfful Educators who ensured this was an experience to remember!        






3-6 Excursion to Bunnings and GoClimb

Our 3-6 children attend an excursion to Bunnings and GoClimb this week.  At Bunnings, they put on a tool belt and had a go at some handy art-n-craft, using the disposition of creativity.  Children explored the nursery, engaging their senses in the experience.  They also wandered the aisles of the store, investigating the prices of various items, in an effort to practise real-life financial maths!

Following on from Bunnings, children explored GoClimb, where they needed to exercise our vale of Courage and utilise their disposition of perseverance.  We were in awe of the children (and adults!) who had a go at climbing, truly embracing this experience and the confidence building opportunity.

Thank you to our educators and parent helpers for ensuring this was experience filled with fun and thrill!


Learning Diversity- Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Month (Loretta)

September is Muscular Dystrophy awareness month.  Muscular Dystrophy is the name given to a group of genetic neuromuscular disorders that affect the muscles and nervous system.  Muscular dystrophy is caused by mutations in the genes responsible for healthy muscle structure and function. There are many types of muscular dystrophy that have different names, vary in age of onset and specific muscle groups that are affected. All types of muscular dystrophy prevent the body from producing dystrophin; a protein essential for building and repairing muscles.

In schools, students with muscular dystrophy may be supported by having optional seating and assistance navigating difficult terrain.

Schools encourage classmates to be patient when a child may be moving slowly and to offer assistance if required.

While there is no cure for muscular dystrophy, there are treatments available that can help manage the symptoms of the disease. Some of these treatments and therapies include mobility assistance, support groups, surgery and medication. Researchers are actively working to develop new treatments and potential cures for muscular dystrophy.

For more information see


NCCD Information Sheet for  Parents, Carers and Guardians

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) On School  Students with Disability 

What is the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data? 

Schools must now complete the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with  Disability (NCCD) every year. It counts the number of students who receive additional adjustments  or “help” at school because of a disability. The NCCD helps governments plan for the needs of  students with disability.  

Who is counted in the data collection? 

To count a student in the NCCD, schools must think through some key questions: 

  1. Is the student getting help at school so that they can take part in education on the same  basis as other students? 
  2. Is the help given because of a disability? The word ‘disability’ comes from the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and it can include many students. 
  3. Has the school talked to you or your child about the help that they provide? 4. Has the school kept records about the help they provide, the student needs and the reasons  that the student needs this help? The school will need to keep copies of tests, student  work, assessments, records of meetings, medical reports or other paperwork and  information about how the student’s learning is moving along over time. 

Once the school decides that the student should be counted in the NCCD, they then choose a  disability group and one of four levels of help that has been given to the student. 

What does the word ‘disability’ mean in the NCCD? 

In the NCCD the word ‘disability’ comes from the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA). There  are four types of disability that the school can choose from: sensory, cognitive, social-emotional  and physical. 

Many students that need help at school can be counted in the NCCD. For example, students with  learning problems, e.g. specific learning disability or reading difficulty (sometimes called dyslexia),  health problems (e.g. epilepsy or diabetes), physical disability (e.g. cerebral palsy), vision/hearing  loss and social-emotional problems (e.g. selective mutism, Autism Spectrum Disorder, anxiety). 

Letters from doctors or specialists can be very helpful for schools as they plan how to support  students with their learning. Schools do not need to have these letters before they can count a student in NCCD. Teachers can use all that they know about the student’s learning and the records  that they have collected over time to decide if a student can be counted in the NCCD. 

What sort of help does the school give students? 

Students need different types of help at school. Some students need a little help sometimes while  other students need a lot of help nearly all the time. The type of help given depends on the needs  of the student. The help can include changes to the school buildings or grounds (e.g. ramps or  things like special desks or chairs), extra teacher help in classes, special learning programs, changes  to the work they give the student or extra adult help.  

How will the NCCD be different this year? 

All schools have been counting students in the NCCD since 2015. The government will use the  NCCD data as part of the funding to schools.  

What will the school need to know about my child for the NCCD?  Schools work together with families to understand the needs of each child. It is helpful if families give their child’s teacher a copy of any letters or reports they have. The letters or reports will help  the school understand the child and the help that they might need. Letters from doctors,  psychologists, speech pathologists, doctor, and occupational therapists etc. can be very helpful for  schools. These reports along with information that the teacher has (i.e. school based tests, your  child’s work and learning plans) helps the school to understand and meet your child’s needs. 

What happens to the NCCD data? Who will have the NCCD information?  Each school principal must check the NCCD data in August of each year. The school will give the  information to the Catholic Education Office. The school will work with the Catholic Education  Office to make sure that the NCCD data is OK before they give the data to the government. The  government will not be given the names of any students or any letters or records. Please ask your  school for their privacy policy if you need to know more. 

Does the school need me to agree with them about counting my child in the NCCD? Amendments were made to the Australian Education Act 2013 and Australian Education Regulation 2013). Schools do not need you to agree to let them count a child in the NCCD. You cannot ask the  school not to count your child.

Where can I find out more? 

Please contact your child’s school if you have further questions about the NCCD and/or refer to the  national NCCD Portal.


Families who have children commencing school at Mary Queen of Heaven in 2024, will need to make an appointment with the school’s uniform provider Noone, for the fitting and purchase of the school uniform.  Carefully read the attached information in the link provided below, and follow the instructions to book an appointment.  Please do not hesitate to contact the school office or Noone direct for any assistance regarding this information.  To assist you with your school uniform purchases, below is a link that provides you with the uniform pricelist.

Noone – Fitting Information 2024 – MQH Noone – Fitting Information 2024 – MQH




In Writing, the Year 3 – 6 students learnt how to write 50 word stories. This was a challenging task, as they were not allowed to count the words until the end! They then had to edit their writing piece to make sure it was 50 words exactly!


Walking up the creepy stairs I heard a Wisper in my ear. It said ”Come play with me in the ball pit up here, I won’t bite”. I bolted down the stairs. Suddenly, gas started coming out of the vents and I fell asleep. I  woke up and saw a…


Aria – Year  3


As I walked up the stairs the dirty carpet under my feet that was once bright pink, now is a worn out faded pigment. Spots of brown stains covered what was once a beautiful crosshatched pattern. Continuing walking up the stairs there was this feeling that the walls caving in.  


Grace – Year 6


I walked up the stairs to the attic. A creepy voice cackled “I’m behind you.” I turned pale. I jolted down to the kitchen to find my bat. I had to show this voice who was boss. I sprinted up the stairs. A box with dark steam coming out was there.


Naledi – Year 5


Walking up the plastic stairs, my hand caressing the pink railing, with a smirk plastered on my face. Each step I took it made a few low creaking sounds. I sat on the hard surfaced couch. It’s easy being perfect as I admire myself in the mirror on the wall.


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